DRIVEN VOL. 6 | Fall 2023


Read Feature Story

Two bare feet waltz and twirl across the linoleum. Sunlight streams in, saturating the kitchen with light and warmth. A few more spins, and she reaches the counter. Flour, sugar, butter—they’re all there—ingredients stretched out in a haphazard maze, ready to be used. Her hands reach for measuring utensils and are soon forming a dough as the oven preheats.

For Johanna, Saturdays have a rhythm. At least, her favorite ones do. Snuggled beneath a colorful, hand-sewn quilt, she awakes to the sound of birds chirping out her window. Flowering trees sway in the breeze as Johanna spends time in the Bible, pondering the grace of God.

The oven sings, ‘Ready to bake!’ as Johanna twirls to the kitchen in her outfit of choice—a full, ankle-length skirt. (Flowy skirts make for the best dancing in the kitchen—the twirlier, the better!). On one of those favorite Saturdays, you’ll find Johanna humming in her kitchen with something baking in the oven. Anything sweet will do, like cookies, pies, or cakes. Scones are her go-to if she doesn’t have something specific in mind.

With the apartment smelling like a bakery, Johanna dials her sisters to see if they want to go out for coffee (Mad Mac’s in Germantown Hills is their current favorite). The smells of baking are quickly replaced by roasting coffee beans, while the quietness of the morning gives way to the thrum of connection. Coffee finished, the sisters head back to Johanna’s place for an afternoon of sewing (and more talking, of course!). Each sister brings her own machine, and the time passes quickly with a blur of patchwork and ‘purl twos.’

As the sun begins its downward climb, Johanna waves goodbye to her sisters. It’s time to prepare for the coming week, and that means laundry and food prep. She’s a professional driver for Nussbaum, and it’s always important to stock your truck with everything it needs before heading out for the week.


Johanna was born in Hudson, Illinois, and is the third of eight children. At age four, the family moved to Hartford, Wisconsin, with her father’s job (working on hardware and software for mainframe computers). They lived there for five years, and Johanna fondly remembers playing capture the flag with her siblings and the neighborhood kids. Those were good years, and it was in Wisconsin that Johanna first dreamt of truck driving. She entered a drawing to win a little toy semi-truck, and her name was chosen. Truck in hand, the seed was planted—and it was only a matter of time before it bloomed!

When Johanna was 9, the family moved back to Illinois, settling in Germantown Hills on a rolling property surrounded by trees and ravines. She and her siblings spent their days exploring the woods and learning to make teepees. Fresh air, sunshine, and adventure were constant companions. A favorite memory is when the Auer siblings reenacted The Swiss Family Robinson movie. Following their “shipwreck,” they gathered logs to make a tree fort, but with an Illinois twist: they laid trees across the ravine (lashed together with rope) and built the house on top.

I get to see God's creation all the time—it's a really good time to just think and pray... and sing! You can sing as loud as you want and nobody cares!

With eight children, the Auer household was always an exciting place. Johanna’s mother homeschooled, so the siblings enjoyed extra time together. Johanna joined the local 4-H club where she took cake decorating and any sewing projects she could get her hands on. During this time, she and her sister also got their very own horse, named Captain. They boarded him at a local horse barn, which eventually turned into Johanna’s first job: shoveling out stalls and laying fresh bedding. It wasn’t very glamorous, but it gave her an opportunity to ride!

The Auer family enjoyed numerous road trips during those growing up years, due in no small part to Johanna’s mother. Growing up on a farm, Mrs. Auer never got to travel much as a child. But she was determined to give her children what she never had. To this day, Johanna credits her love of interstate driving to the many miles traveled with her family. One of her favorite trips was visiting her brother at school in Denver, Colorado. It was the end of November, and the Auers went to celebrate Thanksgiving—complete with dinner ingredients, dishes, and the family dog! On the way home, it turned into quite an adventure when the car broke down!

In high school, Johanna signed up for a ballet class. Her performances included The Nutcracker and 3 Centuries of Dance (similar to Sleeping Beauty). She also worked part-time at a local grocery store, decorating cakes (thanks, 4-H!). Following graduation, she applied at Joann Fabrics and spent several years there, working her way up to Inventory Coordinator. She especially loved the employee discount on all the beautiful fabrics and sewing materials! As product came in on trucks, Johanna would unpack boxes and organize store displays.

Throughout all of this, Johanna’s dream of truck driving persisted. So eventually, she approached her parents about it. Her father raised several concerns, while her mother advised that she take her time and pray about it. Johanna took that advice and waited another two years before raising the subject again. This time, her parents gave their blessing, and she signed up for a CDL night course at Illinois
Central College.


The first time she hopped in a cab, Johanna felt the thrill of adventure. She started in a manual truck and remembers lots of grinding gears at first (she’s thankful Nussbaum has automatics!). She also faced winter and night driving conditions early on, but her go-getter attitude kept her on track. The dream was finally becoming a reality!

During her training, one of the instructors mentioned Nussbaum as a possible employer. Johanna investigated further and was immediately attracted by Nussbaum’s Christian values of “faith & family.” She considered several other companies too, but as she prayed over the decision, Nussbaum was the only choice she felt peaceful about pursuing. The rest is history!


At Nussbaum, Johanna trained with Maya, Darla, and Adrienne. (Fun fact—she was Maya’s first student!). The reality is, training puts you and a virtual stranger together in a tight space for several weeks—something most of us might shy away from. But for Johanna, it was just like taking a road trip with one of her sisters. She enjoyed her experiences with each trainer and to this day, still calls them for advice.

Reflecting on those early days, Johanna has some words of wisdom for her past self: take it slower and get out and look more often! Two key lessons for any truck driver. She’s also learned that 60-61mph is her sweet spot, even though it’s slower than required (and people will definitely pass you). But, playing it safe is always better, plus it gives you a few miles per hour to pass someone else. Driving this way makes each trip more enjoyable, and we all want to get where we’re going!


Johanna is an over-the-road driver, so she doesn’t take the same route twice. She wouldn’t call herself “spontaneous,” but she loves the variety that comes with trucking. And contrary to popular opinion, Johanna loves going east. You have to switch mental gears for sure, but the beauty and culture are phenomenal. Her favorite state is Ohio because it has little touches of all the rest of the country. In her opinion, it’s also one of the most beautiful states.

Thankfully, the day-to-day of trucking stays relatively the same. Everyone likes smiles, so Johanna tries to share joy wherever she goes. If she’s waiting at a shipper, you’ll find her happily knitting or sewing to pass the time. Her favorite truck stop is Loves because of its clean facilities and straight parking (though if you want good truck stop coffee, you’ll have to visit a Pilot or Flying J). For meals, Johanna likes to pack enough food for the entire week. Favorites include salad, pizzas, and gyros. And of course, she loves cooking and baking on the weekends.

Being a female driver has its challenges, but it can be sweet, too. Johanna says some men still open doors for women, though it happens more often in certain parts of the country. And she’s always thankful for her faith in God—knowing He is with her wherever she goes brings peace and comfort that you can’t buy.

Johanna recalls only one instance when she felt unsafe at a truck stop. She stayed vigilant and prayed the entire time she was there. Drivers don’t always have wiggle room with where to stop, and prayer is Johanna’s first go-to when those ‘inner warnings’ go off. But when there are choices, she relies on God to direct her steps. Listening to that inner prompting and simply being aware of her surroundings has never steered her wrong.

When she’s not driving for Nussbaum, you’ll find Johanna exploring the country in her car! And since trucking lets you “scout” your vacations ahead of time, she’s constantly adding to her list of “must come back here.” Having visited every Lower 48 state except Nevada, her next road trip is to the American Southwest! Unlike her professional driving, Johanna doesn’t like planning her personal trips. Her method for road-tripping is much more spontaneous and usually involves decisions like, ‘It’s only a few more hours to Arizona—might as well stop to see my sister while I’m out here!’


One of Johanna’s favorite parts about being a driver is the solitude. It’s a perfect time to think, reflect on life, pray… and sing! (You can sing as loud as you want, day or night, and nobody cares!). Johanna seeks God’s protection throughout the day, using a simple little prayer: “Lord, please protect me, the truck, and everyone around me.” She also thanks God for His many blessings and praises Him for the changing seasons and beautiful colors.

That’s another thing Johanna loves —seeing God’s creation everywhere, all the time. To her, every season is gorgeous (even winter!). Her favorite time to drive is early morning, just before sunrise—you get to watch the horizon turn pink, then gold as the sun greets the day!


Unsurprisingly, Johanna’s truck is home to many creative projects. One of her favorite ways to unwind (besides falling into her bunk) is to work with her hands on a sewing or knitting project. Currently, she’s making a patchwork ‘Flower Garden’ quilt, using leftovers from another quilting project. On top of that, she’s crocheting a poncho and knitting legwarmers.

If she’s not sewing, she’s probably reading. Johanna is an avid bookworm and usually keeps a few on hand. She enjoys lighter fiction reads (Kristi Ann Hunter and Mary Connealy are her favorite authors) and believes the perfect book has adventure, a little suspense, and (of course) a sweet romantic element. In her opinion, everyone should keep Anne of Green Gables on their bookshelf. Her favorite ‘library’ on the road is Audible—they give personalized recommendations for books you might enjoy (her latest find was Boundaries). However, Johanna’s most important book is her Bible, which she still reads every day. She’ll also listen to radio preachers or a podcast to stay connected with God on the road.


With such a full childhood, family still plays a vital role in Johanna’s life. Today, they are spread throughout the US—one sister is stationed in Texas, serving in the military. Another lives in Idaho with her husband and young son, and her oldest brother lives in Colorado. The rest are all local. The benefit of having a big family is that there’s always someone around and never a dull moment. And for Johanna, having sisters means always having a friend and a listening ear. She keeps in touch with them through phone calls and coffee dates.

Johanna admires and respects the way her parents raised the family. She and her siblings enjoyed a childhood full of the outdoors, imagination, and the freedom to play (her parents never worried too much if they wandered off). Mr. & Mrs. Auer encouraged their children to follow the path God had for them—even if it looked vastly different from their own. This enabled Johanna to chase her dream of becoming a professional driver. She is forever grateful for the legacy of faith and love her parents passed down (and continue to pass down). Wherever the road may take her, Johanna hopes to shine that same light into the future.





Creative projects going at any given time.


Years at Nussbaum.


Years old when she wanted to be a trucker.


States traveled to.