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Episode 123 // Under 21, Overachieving: The Safe Driver Apprenticeship Program

What were you doing at 19 years old? For Carter Fehr and Jordan Kersten, the answer is “working full time as an OTR driver.” But wait—don’t you have to be 21 for that? Yes—unless you’re part of the FMCSA Safe Driver Apprenticeship Program (SDAP, for short).

With SDAP, under-21 drivers can cross state lines and drive over-the-road. In the past, our industry would lose high school graduates to other skilled trades, but if successful, this program could open trucking as a career path for young people!

So, why did these guys choose trucking at such a young age? What was the training like? Are there any restrictions on what they can or can’t do? How did they adjust to the trucking lifestyle? Carter and Jordan have the answers in today’s exchange, along with a fresh perspective on the career of a professional driver. Press play and enjoy!

Here’s a preview of today’s episode:

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